We’re well into January now, and a lot has happened internationally and in my life. Massive spiritual shifts are happening with a new incoming president in the US. Whether you are for or against the new President or indifferent to our neighbours to the south, it is undeniable that things have already and will continue to change politically and spiritually within that nation.
I watched only a few minutes of the inauguration because I had a full day, but I was so struck with how spiritually significant this day was—like in hindsight, we will say, that was a turning point for the country.
We, here in Canada, are left in limbo, wondering what’s next for our great country. I have been burdened to intercede for our neighbours for quite a while now, but if there has ever been a time that I have felt a burden to pray for my own nation, province, and city, it is now. Regardless of what happens, transition is coming to our nation too. We can either sit on the sidelines as passive observers oblivious to the authority we have in Christ to set the course of our nation in prayer and intercession, or we can answer the call to battle spiritually in prayer, fall to our knees, and call upon our Savior to heal our land.
Government isn’t our Savior. Jesus is our Savior. However, we have a responsibility as Christians to pray in leaders who will align themselves with His will and bring healing to our land.
I spoke in my last blog about advancing and this rising in my Spirit of more to come. If anything, over just one month, the burning within my Spirit has grown. The winds of change are coming. To some, that seems so flighty, but to those who walk by the Spirit, they feel the same thing—a growing excitement and hope for what the Lord is about to do within our homes, churches, and nation. This is an Acts 2 kind of wind. Now is not a time to coast spiritually. We must advance like Caleb and Joshua, seeing in the Spirit while the rest of the spies were hindered and stalled by what they saw in the natural.
What does that look like? That means being diligent in prayer to intercede for the passions and burdens He’s placed on your heart. It means stepping out in faith to accomplish the dream He’s placed in you even if you don’t have complete clarity. It means drawing upon a finisher anointing for the things you’ve started and have yet to complete to make room for the new divine assignment you know is coming. Whether this is in ministry, entrepreneurship, education, or family, the Lord has placed you in specific areas with specific people groups and given you divine favour to lead you into the Kingdom assignments He has for you. Don’t be passive, my friend! The Bible is full of scriptures exhorting us to knock and to seek with all our hearts, souls, and minds. We cannot just live this Christian life and expect the exceedingly abundant to fall into our lap. We are co-laborers with Christ (1 Corinthians 3:9). There is work to be done—not out of striving but out of trust in Jesus.
This morning, even before I got up, the Lord gave me a picture of a moving sidewalk, you know, the ones in the airport. I felt it pressed upon my heart that the Lord wants to accelerate our steps in this hour, but we cannot be passive. It will require us to take a step of faith and keep walking so that we can get to where we need to be in time. There is an urgency! As I was processing this with the Lord later this morning, He gave me a picture of the turbo boosts in Mario Kart where if you hit the turbo boost, you will accelerate and be propelled further, faster. The thing is, you must align yourself and you must already be moving to hit the turbo boost. The Lord wants to accelerate us, but we must align ourselves to His will through the Word and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 11:6 (NLT) says,
"And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
Jesus used parables of seed time and harvest often throughout the Gospels. Any farmer knows how much work is involved to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, tend the fields, etc., to reap a harvest not just of the crop, but the income that comes from selling the crop. Jesus warned in Matthew 9:37-38,
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."
He is calling us to labour with Him for this end-time harvest. You may not have a clue what that looks like for you. Many people have the mindset that if they don’t feel the call to five-fold ministry, they will clock into their 9 to 5, serve in the church, and that will be their life. I had that mindset for a long time. But friend, He has designed within each one of us a Kingdom assignment that extends beyond your 9 to 5. Ministry is not just for the pastor, teacher, prophet, evangelist, and apostle. Ministry is a clarion call for us all.
The question now is: What step of faith is God calling you to take today? Is there a dream in your heart that you've been hesitant to pursue? A burden that won't leave you alone? An assignment you know you're meant to step into?
Your season of acceleration is here when you follow His lead. The Lord is inviting you to align with Him, to move in faith, and to step into the supernatural momentum He has prepared for you. Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer. Take that step. Seek Him with all your heart. Watch as He propels you into your destiny faster than you ever imagined.
If you have questions, need prayer, or are seeking guidance on your faith journey, I would love to connect with you! Whether you’re looking for encouragement, clarity, or personalized faith-based life coaching, I’m here to support you. Reach out today, and let’s take the next step toward growth and purpose together.