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Walking by Faith One Step at a Time: 4 Basic Strategies to Increase Faith

Charity Faith

Writing is something I’ve always been drawn to – journalling mostly. It’s how I organize my feelings, process thoughts, come up with strategies and just get things off my mind and onto paper. In the season of motherly exhaustion where there was seemingly no room for creativity, I felt called to write. Wrapping my mind around even what to write was a struggle. I had so many ideas and not enough focus or energy to follow through. The more time went by with a blog post or book not written, a plan or blueprint not even fleshed out, the more of a failure I felt. After all, delayed obedience is still disobedience. Yet, within the wrestling of what to write, the Lord was gentle, continually reminding me to just start. I would grapple with certain aspects of my faith through word, feeling like none of it was meant to be seen, yet making progress nonetheless. I was constantly reminded of the verse, “Do not despise the day of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT) and learned to be just a bit more gracious with myself in the process of clarifying what it was God wanted to say through me.

This took me to new dimensions as I really learned to lean into Him. I learned to commit my work daily to Him and go where He led me, even if that meant I was digging into teachings rather than writing my own. My character and capacity were built through the struggle of working it out. And that is all part of the process, yet my mindset was fixed on what productivity looked and felt like to me, which boxes were checked off the list and which remained. God’s process is different. Learning to tap into His creative flow was key. And it took time.

 The truth is, faith is taking one baby step and then another and then another. We are meant to go from faith to faith and from victory to victory (Rom. 1:17). That is the journey of growth, isn’t it? The daily decision to be disciplined in what the Lord has called you to do and trusting that if you humble yourself before Him and do what you know how to do, He will lift you up in due season (James 4:10).


I see so many people stuck, unhappy with their lives, feeling a call but not understanding how to get there and not wanting to make a move until the path is clear. Here’s some sage advice for you, just start! Find one small step and take it – do research, ask a mentor or learn a skill that will move you in the direction you feel lead. Trust God with it. Then, once you have done that, take another step. It doesn’t necessarily matter how quickly each step takes, what matters is that you are taking the step toward where you feel led and moving closer toward intimacy with your heavenly Father.

Often people will say, they don’t know the call or direction for their lives but the truth is that the Lord has called us all to spread the Gospel of Christ (Matt. 28:16-20). That is our calling first and foremost. How we do this, is unique to the gifts and callings that He’s given us but I can assure you, as you obediently pursue your own personal ministry and calling of seeing others come to Christ, your purpose and path will become clear.

“Do not despise the day of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT)

I can tell you one thing, this process of just taking one step at a time may not have felt life-altering in the moment but looking back, I can see how God has faithfully honored every step I have taken and how I have gone to places I never thought possible previously in my walk with God to fulfilling the plans He has for me.

 Maybe you are in a season that does not feel fruitful. You might not even know what direction God wants you to take. You may feel weary in well doing. This is the time to dig deep into developing intimacy with God, understanding who you are in Christ, and developing ears to hear what He is speaking to you in this season. Here are some basic actionable steps to take to get you there:

1.       Read your Bible daily – this is the daily renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2) and washing of the Word (Eph. 5:25-26). Reading the Bible prepares your heart and builds your faith to do what God has called you to, to use the gifts and talents God has given to you to minister to others in your own unique and God-given way. If there is some aspect of your walk with Christ that you want to develop and learn more about, search it out in the Word of God, find books and sermons that delve into the subject and commit yourself to developing this aspect until you receive revelation and feel led to focus elsewhere.


2.       Never stop praying – develop a prayer list and continue to add and adjust praying for your family, friends, church, government, situations, ministries, etc, record when answers have come and what’s been on your heart to pray about. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 [NLT] says, “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” We will not always have the time and ability to pray for hours but we always have the opportunity to turn our hearts to God, praying in the Spirit, offering up praise and thanksgiving to our God and this is the way we continue to develop intimacy with Christ.


3.       Listen to the Holy Spirit often – Based on Habakuk 2:1-2, I regularly sit with my journal in a quiet place, set my heart to hear from the Holy Spirit and record the words that come to me. I don’t question it in the moment but just allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart as I record it. I ask clarifying questions after if necessary. I read it after I feel the conversation is done and make sure it is of God (aligned with His word and resonating in my spirit). If it is a more significant word or a word for someone else, I may send it to a close friend who is mature in their faith and hears from God to also test it to make sure it is Biblically sound and resonates with their spirit. It is encouraging to go back and read what the Lord has spoken and how what He said has come to pass. This builds our faith and intimacy with Christ, and develops a sensitive ear to the Holy Spirit to hear from Him as we minister to others.


*This information was adapted from Mark Virkler’s Communion with God Ministries, 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. For more information go to


4.       Take a step of faith – You must have a faith list—things that you are believing and petitioning God for. The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6) and that Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). If God is impressing your heart to do something, you must act. It may feel overwhelming but as discussed, just start small, be faithful, and you will move from faith to faith!

Let me know in the comments or by contacting me what’s on your faith list and I will join my faith with yours to see it become reality!

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