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Charity Faith

Updated: May 17, 2024

Hi friends. Let me introduce myself. I am Charity, a child of the King, made perfect in His image, filled with His power, anointed to do His work, called and capable, chosen and righteous…I could go on but if you know, you know.

God has done such a work in my life over the past few years that I can’t help but share about His goodness. It has always been a passion and strength of mine to write. As I have grown in my relationship with God, this passion has become more of a calling as the Holy Spirit has led me and pulled me into His purposes for my life, a life that I couldn’t have even imagined.

The truth is, I’m a recovering people pleaser, coming from a place of low self-esteem, especially with my faith in Christ. Growing up in a Christian home, I have kind of waned hot and cold and every temperature in between in my walk with Christ. I let the enemy whisper lies in my ear that depleted my confidence in myself and who Christ made me to be. At times, I gave up on intimacy with Christ because it felt too hard and unattainable. I struggled with a weight of expectation as a ministers’ child that I was never meant to carry. At my lowest low, I dug my heals in and submitted to Christ, and the transformation in my life and family has been undeniable.

The purpose of this blog is to share the walking out of my faith—how I was transformed from believing the lie of the enemy that I would never be good enough or confident enough in my relationship with Christ to minister to others, to a life committed to building myself up in the most Holy faith, becoming more like Christ, made in His image, growing in understanding of my God-given identity, and understanding how to walk in His power and anointing in my own personal ministry to serve and encourage others.

This blog is for the worn-out parent who is painfully aware that they’re not perfect. It’s for the person who feels completely unqualified to do what they’ve been called to. It’s for the person struggling to identify their strengths and calling. It’s for those striving to put faith into practice. It’s for the one who feels like they don’t even have faith.

Because we’re human, to some extent, we can all relate. We all go through trials and tribulations in this life, BUT GOD has made a way for us to have peace beyond all understanding in the midst of it. My greatest hope for this blog is that the content speaks to your heart and inspires you to a deeper faith in Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour—not just as a name, Christian—but in the living out of the days you’ve been blessed with here on earth with specific purpose and destiny.

Listen friend, I am here to encourage you. You are here for a purpose. You have a divine destiny placed on your life from before conception. God longs for you and is jealous for your attention! You are His child and He longs to comfort you and transform you in a way only He can. Let these words inspire you by the Holy Spirit to dig deep in your faith as I did when I came to the end of myself. God longs to encounter you and show you a better way.

Selah (pause and reflect)!

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